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  • In February 2008, AZRB had received instruction from EPU (later known as UKAS) to undertake the EKVE project through build, operate and transfer concept (B.O.T) on a Public Private Financed Initiative (PPFI).

  • Subsequently, AZRB through its subsidiary EKVE Sdn Bhd (a special purpose vehicle company) embarked on engagement with all relevant federal and Selangor state government agencies particularly in finalizing the best route for the proposed highway alignment.

  • Selangor state authority through its State Economic Planning Unit (UPEN) and State Town and Regional Planning Dept (JPBD) have formed a Technical Committee to deliberate on the selection of the most suitable route for the highway. The committee was also comprised of JKR, JAS, JPS, JMG, LUAS, MPAJ, MPKj, Puncak Niaga, Syabas and Pejabat Hutan.

  • The alignment adopted by AZRB and agreed in principal by EPU in 2007 was based on Option D (please refer to Figure 3), an improvement to Option B of alignment options by HPU (please refer to Figure 4).

  • However, after it was presented to the state government in March 2008, AZRB was asked to review it especially concerning stretches between Ukay Perdana to UIA (last 10 km) due to the sensitivity of its closeness to Klang Gate Dam and Taman Melawati residential area.

  • Site visits and meetings by technical committee members had resulted in the emergence of several options based on various reasons and constraints. (Please refer to Table 2 for the comparison of route from Option 1 to Option 8C)

  • Later in April 2010, state authority had agreed with the proposed alignment of EKVE with a condition that AZRB has to realign the Option 8 alignment by avoiding the quartz ridge zone and the Klang Gate Dam.

  • Finally in November 2010, the state government had agreed to Option 8C (modified Option 8 - using tunnel underneath quartz ridge and circumvent Klang Gate Dam). Unfortunately the option had incurred an additional construction cost due to the increase in highway length by 5 km (from original 35km to 40km).

  • As a result, the alignment was found no longer financially viable and the Federal Government later decided that the EKVE ends at Ukay Perdana only and termed it as Phase 1.

  • In year 2011, the EKVE alignment was gazetted in Local Plan of Municipal Councils namely MPAJ, MPKj and MPS. The alignment has gone through public scrutiny through public display and hearing process before it was gazetted as Local Plan 2020.

  • The details of the gazette are as tabulated below:-

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